Net Zero Energy F-22 System Maintenance Hangar

The Net Zero Energy F-22 System Maintenance Hangar is a three part project showcasing energy efficiency retrofit, solar energy generation and advanced technology energy storage to yield a net zero facility at the Hawaiʻi National Guard’s 154th Wing’s F-22 Fuel System Maintenance Hangar.
Energy Generation Showcase of Ground Mounted Solar PV Array

- Solar PV Array
- DC Rated Output: 136.92kW
- AC Rated Output: 60.00kW
- Comprised of Two Different Arrangements of the Same Module Type
- Dual Axis Tracking PV Array: 12 SunPower modules – 2.94kW (245W each)
- Fix Mount PV Array: 308 SunPower modules – 133.98kW (345W each)
- Two Ideal Power Inverters (30kW each)
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Showcase of HiVE, Lithium Iron BESS Technology

- Energy Capacity: .25MWh (250kWh)
- Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Technology and Battery Management and Supervisory Control Systems
- Custom Built (Made With Prefabricated Concrete) Vault
- Bess & PV Site is Fenced and Graveled to Meet HIANG Requirements for Site Condition
Energy Efficiency Retrofit Hanger
- Energy Efficiency Measure for Building 3407
- LED Lighting and Advanced Controls Installation
- Variable Air Volume (VAV) System
- Solar Water Heating