Biz Education

XLR8HI: Essentials of Entrepreneurship

Event Details

About the Workshop

In the next 15 years, nearly 38% of jobs in the US could be at risk due to automation and AI. Entrepreneurship is more than starting new businesses, it is a mindset that drives problem solving and innovation forward. This course teaches you how to unlock the entrepreneurial mindset, and covers best practices for launching a new business or venture. The training provided in this workshop features creative problem solving techniques that are aligned with an introductory outline of starting a business. Learn methodologies based on building, testing, and iterating ideas and products efficiently. Regardless of whether your goal is to prepare yourself for the workforce of tomorrow or launch your next business venture, Essentials of Entrepreneurship will help you gain an understanding of the core concepts that are essential for every step of the entrepreneurial process.
Learn More Here

Course Date

4 Weeks
5:45pm  –  8:15pm
08/28/18  –  09/18/18

Course Content

Innovative Design

How to use creative problem solving techniques to develop a product or service.

Market Research

How to evaluate the market opportunity and competitive landscape for your business.

Growth Marketing

How to create a go-to-market strategy and find the best channels for customer acquisition.

Financials I + II

How to perform fundamental analysis to determine financial feasibility and growth potential, and raise funding for your venture.
Scholarships available to members of underrepresented communities. Visit the XLR8HI website for more information on how you can apply for scholarships up to 75% off! Limited quantities available.


Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018
5:45 PM - 8:15 PM